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Most Failed Theory Test Questions - driving test tips 2022 edition

Most Failed Theory Test Questions 2022

Theres no denying that passing your driving test and going finally going on a drive in your new car is one of the most satisfying feelings you'll ever have. It also may open up a new world of responsibility and maturity you might not be used to. However, after being a learner for so long, finally being able to get your 'trainig wheels off' and experience freedom is unbeatable.

With such a feeling however must come with challenges. The first challenge you face before you even think about your driving test is the theory test. This must be completed first and expires after a two year period. Dont worry though, wer're here to help. After gathering enough data we have the 8 most failed theory test questions to get you off on the right foot.

Theory Test Illustration

1. When May You Stop On A Clearway?

Now, you may laugh at this question and think its a no brainer however its actually caught a lot of people out. This is due to answers which are usually shown to try and throw you off. First, lets learn the definition of clearway. Clearway - "a main road other than a motorway on which vehicles are not normally permitted to stop." Knowing this, its hard to get the question wrong however, if you have a road or vehicle emergency its obviously invalid. So look out for those answers in case they try and catch you out.

2. Where Can You Find Amber Reflective Studs On A Motorway?

The main reason this can be confusing to a lot of people is because of how many different studs and motorway lights there are. Also, like a lot of poeple say, when your travelling at 70mph whos consentrating on the lights and studs on the motorway?

So why is it important to know? Low visibility is the answer, just think about it. If your driving at night, on a foggy day and cant see much of the road, the way to judge where you are or what lane your in is the studs. The amber reflective studs are on the edge of the right hand side next to the central resevation. A good way of remembering this is like a traffic light. Forgetting about red and green, amber is usually in the center and on a motorway they are there to stop you going into the central resevation being right next to it.

3. What color are the reflective studs between a motorway and a slip road?

The reason people find this confusing is pretty much the same reason as the last question. But apart from amber studs, what other colours are there? The remaining colours are red, white and green.

The white is easy to remember as they are between lanes along with white lines. The red studs are located between the hard shoulder and carrageway. You can remember this by thinking about the only time you are allowed to stop on a hard shoulder. Red standing for When you have a problem or emergenecy.

So, this brings us to the answer of the question. The answer is Green! This is also easy to remember because if you think about the traffic light again, what colour tells you to go? Green! So "going/ proceeding" onto the motorway is the way to remember it.

4. Where Should You Avoid Overtaking?

Here, you might think there are tons of places/scinarios where you should avoid overtaking. You're absolutely right, so your best bet is to go with your gut on this one, If theres an obvious one go for it. The most common answer we usually see pop up is "approaching a dip in the road"

5. What Part Of The Car Does The Law Require You To Keep In Good Condition?

The part which you are required to look after are seatbelts, this is due to the fact they reduce the risk of serious injury by 50% and death by 45%. There are a few spares which the law requires you to have on your car such as wing mirrors

6. What should you do when you’re moving off from behind a parked car?

Another simple sounding one, however theres so many things you could do people tend to get overwelmed. They will also try to catch you out with this one, so dont click any answers with "only" or if it says "after" you've moved off. The proper answer is, check all mirrors, all blind spots, indicate if nessessary and slowly move off. They usually wont show you this option though.

So the moral is, instead of looking for which one it could be, look for what it isnt and rule them out until you get the answer which is acurate to at least one of the steps.

7. What Should You Remove From Your Car Before Leaving It Unattended?

The answer to this is the vehicles registration document. Here you must first think about what the dangers of leaving things in your car is. The most obvious thought is in case someone steals it. Then you must think whats one thing i wouldnt want my car thief to have that would make there next job extremely easier. Yup, the documents for the vehicle!

8. How Should You Use Anti-Lock Brakes When You Need To Stop In An Emergency?

The answer here is to brake strong and firmly until the car has come to a complete stop. Again, the key is filtering out all the answers it cant be. Being able to stop the vehicle is undoubtibly extremely important, especially in an emergency. The job of ABS is to stop your brakes from locking and the car skidding when you brake sharply, so you'll usually hear a grinding type of noise coming from the brake when the anti-lock braking system is activated.


So, hopefully you've learnt a few thigs in this article. A perfect way to find out is retake the quiz, practice makes perfect after all. Now your only one more challenge away from reachng the end goal which i can promise you is worth it! Just keep doing quizes, practice and revision until your getting 45-50 questions right everytime and you'll be alright.

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